Sunday, August 2, 2009

How to Animate GIF Image in Blackberry

For animating a gif image in bb screen follow the steps:
1. Add the gif image (ex. myImage.gif) in the project (Right Click on the Project -> Add File to Project...).

2. Images added to a project are automatically converted into the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format when
    the application is built into a .cod file.

3. This problem can be resolved by any of the following approach:
     a. rename the gif image as *.bin (myImage.bin) and then add in the project
     b. Project Properties -> Compile Tab -> Check Don't convert image files to PNG

4. Load the image into GIFEncodedImage
    GIFEncodedImage image;
    EncodedImage encodedImage = EncodedImage.getEncodedImageResource("myImage.bin");
    byte data[] = new byte[4000];
    data = encodedImage.getData();
    image =(GIFEncodedImage) EncodedImage.createEncodedImage(data,0,data.length);

5. Create a AnimatedGIFField using the GIFEncodedImage
    AnimatedGIFField animatedGIF = new AnimatedGIFField(image);

6. Finally add the field into the screen and get gif image animated.

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