For making BitmapField clickable
Bitmap image = Bitmap.createBitmapFromResource("button.png"); BitmapField imageButton = new BitmapField(image, BitmapField.FOCUSABLE) { private XYRect xyrect=new XYRect(); protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) { // This is method will invoke after clicking the image // System.out.println("Image Clicked"); return true; } };
On Click I want to open a new screen.
ReplyDeleteUiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen( new SCREENCLASS());
ReplyDeletehello sir
ReplyDeleteif i want it to opan a link in the browser .
From navigationClick()method call the below function:
ReplyDeletepublic static void openBrowser(String url)
BrowserSession session;
session = Browser.getDefaultSession();
hello Bikas
ReplyDeleteyou must be good at Java i'm the anonymouse who commented about opening a link in th browser
i have no idea what you said , its my first time to try to code an app for personal use
i will contct you through e-mail
i hope you can help me
thank you sir
I want to change the button image on focus and also on click or touch.